"Play Birthday Party"

I have not read original text, but I
have seen other film version of novel or play. I think that when we read text
with feeling or emotion, with our own imaginative character and seen. When we
watch movie of it gives sound effect. And through this sound effect of menace
became strong. In a sense, all he gives us is texture the sound and sights of a
world without structure; as we are shown clearly in the opening outdoor
sequence of the film. Which seems to be
meaningless auction filled with visuals and inchoate sound? The sound of car is heard.
In move we found effect of lurking is
gives danger felling. It is found when the game of blind man’s bluff was played
in birthday party. It is also connected with the political game. But when we
read we can’t feel that much lurking effect but when we visualize it, it essay
became effective.
In play we found that Petey read
newspaper to Meg. Petey hide himself behind it but newspaper, symbolically he
hides himself but in real sense he faces the reality of society. Newspaper is
kind of media who shows reality of society. In second seen we found that McCann
cut newspaper. Cutting of newspaper is symbol of killing of time. At the last
seen those pieces are hidden by Petey, it shows reality of Petey’s mind he hide
something from his wife. Newspaper is symbol of communication. Husband and wife
trying to make conversation, but it were unsuccessful. McCann rips newspaper in
five equal parts.
In the game of blind man’s bluff, it
symbolized that man going in to darkness. Search for his identity or search for
his existential identity. In this game glasses of Stanley were broken by McCann,
it seems the vision of Stanly was changed by McCann. In film we found that
camera is positioned over the head of McCann, through the camera we found that
room is very narrow and it’s like cage. It also shows the narrowness of
people’s mind.
Truth in art drama is forever elusive. Truth is that there never is any such thing as one truth to be found
in dramatic art. This truth challenged each other, recoil from each other, and
reflect each other. Sometimes we feel that we have truth for moment, then it
slips through our fingers and it lost.
This film is directed
by Pinter himself so the characters all are appropriate.
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